13.7.6 JSP attributes

The JSP engines provides several options that can be set to customize its behavior:

- keepgenerated

If this Boolean is set to true, the source code of the servlet created by compilation of a JSP page is kept on the file system. Otherwise, it is deleted as soon as the servlet code has been compiled; only the .class file is available.

- scratchdir

This string represents the directory in which the generated class files will be generated. If this string is not set, code is created under:


- jdkSourceLevel

This setting specifies which JDK level JSPs will be generated and compiled for. Valid values are 13 (default), 14, and 15. To compile for Java 5.0, use 15.

There are several more options that can be set. Search for "JSP engine configuration parameters" in the WebSphere InfoCenter for the full list.

