11.9.1 WebSphere V4.0 EJB clients
Applications migrated from previous WebSphere releases can still have clients running in a previous release. The default initial JNDI context for EJB clients running on previous versions of WebSphere is the cell persistent root (the legacy root). However, the home for an EJB deployed in V6.0 is bound to the server root context. For the EJB lookup name for down-level clients to remain unchanged, configure a binding for the EJB home under the cell persistent root.
The following options enable interoperability with WAS V4 clients:
- Set the client's default initial context to legacyRoot. This option is equivalent to the cell persistent root of WAS V6.
- Redeploy the clients using the Application Server Toolkit so that the JNDI names can be fixed to reflect the real, fully qualified names in the WAS V6 name space.
- Use aliases for the names the clients look up. These transparently redirect to the correct object in the WAS V6 name space. This option uses configured bindings.