11.8 Foreign cell bindings
New in V6.1: If you have applications in a cell that access other applications in another cell, you can configure a foreign cell name binding for the other cell.
A foreign cell binding is a context binding that resolves to the cell root context of another cell. You can configure a foreign cell binding such that applications in your cell can access applications and other resources within the other cell.
Foreign cell bindings consist of one or more bootstrap addresses for a given cell. The bootstrap address consists of the name of the bootstrap host and a port number that it listens on. This concept places the bootstrap addresses in a single location, instead of every reference to the foreign cell in the application deployment data. If the bootstrap information changes, this can be updated in a central location, just once via the administration console. No applications need to be updated, as all objects in the foreign cell are looked up through the central bindings.
The foreign cell and the local cell must have different names.
Figure 11-4 depicts an example, where we have a cell "CellA" that has a cell-scoped EJB name space binding configured with a name in the name space /ejb/AccountHome. Applications running in CellA would look up the home with a JNDI name of cell/persistent/ejb/AccountHome (actually J2EE applications would use a java:comp/env name that maps to that JNDI name through the application deployment descriptors). With a foreign cell binding configured in CellB that points to CellA, applications in CellB can do the same lookup with a JNDI name of cell/cells/CellA/persistent/ejb/AccountHome.
Figure 11-4 JNDI lookup names using a foreign cell binding