10.2.1 Session management properties

With one exception, the session management properties you can set are the same at each configuration level:

- Session tracking mechanism lets you select from cookies, URL rewriting, and SSL ID tracking. Selecting cookies will lead you to a second configuration page containing further configuration options.

- Select Maximum in-memory session count and whether to allow this number to be exceeded, or overflow.

- Session timeout specifies the amount of time to allow a session to remain idle before invalidation.

- Security integration specifies that the user ID be associated with the HTTP session.

- Serialize session access determines if concurrent session access in a given server is allowed.

- Overwrite session management, for enterprise application and Web module level only, determines whether these session management settings are used for the current module, or if the settings are used from the parent object.

- Distributed environment settings determines how to persist sessions (memory-to-memory replication or a database) and set tuning properties. Memory-to-memory persistence is only available in a ND distributed server environment.

