Service integration bus and message-driven beans
Message-driven beans attached to destinations in the bus are attached by means of...
- SIB JMS resource adapter
- activation specification
- JMS destination
The resource adapter is responsible for connecting to the bus and delivering messages to the MDB.
For performance reasons, IBM recommends that MDBs are installed on a server that has...
- An active local messaging engine
- A queue point on the local messaging engine
Message-driven beans connecting to the bus
The resource adapter always attempts to connect a message-driven bean to a messaging engine in the same server, if one is defined there. If there is no messaging engine in the same server, then a messaging engine is selected from the bus using the standard connection selection process.
There are three scenarios where an MDB will start but not connect to the destination for which it is configured to listen. The resource adapter will allow the MDB application to start under these circumstances and will attempt to connect the MDB to its configured destination as soon as possible.
MDBs and clusters
The behavior of message-driven beans installed on clusters that use the bus is directly related to the bus configuration.