8.6.1 Common administration properties
All of the JMS administered objects that can be configured within WAS expose a subset of properties that are common. These properties are used by WebSphere for administrative purposes. For example, the name and description properties are used for display purposes within the WebSphere console.
Property Description Scope This is the scope of the configured JMS administered object within the cell. The value of this property specifies the level at which this resource definition is visible to applications. Provider This is the name of the JMS provider associated with the JMS administered object. Name This property is the name by which the JMS administered object is known for administrative purposes. JNDI name The JNDI name is used to bind the JMS administered object into the appserver's JNDI name space. Description This is an optional description for the JMS administered object. Category This is an optional category string to use when classifying or grouping the JMS administered object. Common administration properties