5.3.8 Generating the Web server plug-in configuration

Example 5-39 shows the sequence of commands used to generate the Web server plug-in configuration file. The first command identifies the MBean for the Web server plug-in configuration file generator on a node. The second command generates the Web server plug-in configuration file.

Example 5-39 Generating the Web server plug-in configuration file

wsadmin>pluginGen = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=PluginCfgGenerator,*')
wsadmin>AdminControl.invoke(pluginGen,'generate',"C:/PROGRA~1/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config kcgg1f3Cell01 kcgg1f3CellManager01 dmgr plugin-cfg.xml")
WASX7435W: Value plugin-cfg.xml is converted to a boolean value of false.

The argument for the generate command includes:

Install root directory

Configuration root directory

Cell name

Node name

Server name

Output file name

Use null as an argument for the node and server name options. The generate operation generates a plug-in configuration for all the nodes and servers residing in the cell. The output file, plugin-cfg.xml, is created in the configuration root directory, in this case on C:\ Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\config\cells\kcgg1f3Cell01\nodes\kcgg1f3CellManager01\servers\dmgr.

