4.4.4 Stopping an appserver
How you stop an appserver depends largely on personal preference and on whether the appserver is stand-alone or managed. Keep in mind that the appserver created by a appserver profile is always called server1.
Table 4-8 shows several methods to stop an appserver.
Table 4-8
Method Server types: Summary Windows service Managed and stand-alone Application servers can be registered as a Windows service. You can stop the server by stopping the service. First steps menu Managed and stand-alone The First Steps menu is located at <profile_home>/firststeps/firststeps.bat (.sh). Windows Start menu Managed and stand-alone For a standalone appserver... Select Start | Programs | IBM WebSphere | Application Server V6.1 | Profiles | <profile> | Stop the Server. For a stand-alone or managed appserver on a ND system...
Select Start | Programs | IBM WebSphere | Application Server ND V6.1 | Profiles | <profile> | Stop the Server.
Command line Managed and stand-alone For a stand-alone appserver: cd <profile_home>/bin stopServer(.sh) server1For a managed appserver:cd <profile_home>/bin stopServer(.sh) <servername>Administrative console Managed Select Servers | Application Servers. To stop a managed server from the console, the node agent must be started. Administrative console Managed Select System Administration | Node Agents | Restart all Servers on the Node. This restarts all the servers on the node. z/OS STOP command Managed and standalone STOP appserver_JOBNAME Methods to stop an appserver