3.6.2 Stopping the distributed server environment
The following is a logical sequence of steps to follow to stop a distributed server environment:
1. On each node agent machine:
a. Use the stopServer command to stop each of the appserver processes on the node.
b. Use the stopNode command to stop the node agent process.
i. Change directory to the <profile_home>/bin directory for the appserver on that node.
ii. Run the stopNode command. If successful, the message Server <node_agent> stop completed is displayed on the console, as shown in this sample:
If there are any errors, check the log file for the node agent process:
c. Check the node status by running the serverStatus -all command.
2. Repeat step 2 for each and every node associated with this deployment manager.
3. On the deployment manager machine:
a. Change directory to the <profile_home>/bin directory of the deployment manager.
b. Use the stopManager command to stop the deployment manager (dmgr) process. If the procedure is successful, you will see a Server dmgr stop completed message.
If there are any errors, check the log file for the dmgr process:
Stopping the deployment manager does not stop any node agents.