3.5.1 Using the manageprofiles command



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Use the manageprofiles command to create profiles instead of using the Profile Management Tool.

Profiles are created based on templates bundled with WAS. These templates are located in...


Each template consists of a set of files that provide the initial settings for the profile and a list of actions to perform after the profile is created. Currently, there is no provision for modifying these templates for your use, or for creating new templates. When you create a profile using manageprofiles, you will need to specify one of the following templates:

To create an appserver named saserver1 on node sanodel in cell sacell1 on host kcgg1d7.amsterdam.setgetweb.com...

cd $WAS_HOME\bin
manageprofiles -create 
                -profileName saserver1 
                -profilePath C:\myWAS61Profiles\appSrvrProfiles\saserver1 
                -templatePath $WAS_HOME\profileTemplates\default 
                -nodeName sanode1 
                -cellName sacell1 
                -hostName kcgg1d7.amsterdam.setgetweb.com
