2.3.2 Centralized changes to configuration and application data

In a distributed server environment, you have a master repository of configuration and application data for the cell. Administrative clients are used to provide centralized functionality for:

- Modification of configuration settings in the master repository.

- Installation, update, and uninstallation of applications on appserver(s) in the cell. In the process, the Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) files and deployment descriptors are also stored in the master repository.

Each node contains a separate copy of the repository containing only the files required for that node, including:

- Cell and node-level configuration files necessary for node and managed server operation, for example, the serverindex.xml file for each node in the cell.

- Application server configuration files for the appservers on that node.

- EAR files for the applications hosted by servers on that node.

- Application deployment descriptors for the applications hosted by servers on that node. These deployment descriptors contain the settings specified when the application was deployed.

When an administrator makes changes to the configuration using an administration tool and saves these changes to the master repository, they are available for use. The next step is to synchronize the changes out to the nodes of the cell.

