2.2.2 JMX distributed administration

Figure 2-5 shows how the JMX architecture fits into the overall distributed administration topology of a distributed server environment.

Figure 2-5 JMX distributed administration

The key points of this distributed administration architecture are:

- Internal MBeans local to the JVM register with the local MBean server.

- External MBeans have a local proxy to their MBean server. The proxy registers with the local MBean server. The MBean proxy allows the local MBean server to pass the message to an external MBean server located on:

Another server

Node agent

Deployment manager

- A node agent has an MBean proxy for all servers within its node. However, MBean proxies for other nodes are not used.

- The deployment manager has MBean proxies for all node agents in the cell.

The configuration of MBean proxies is shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 JMX architecture

