10.2.2 Cache instances
Cache instances provide additional locations where the dynamic cache service can store, retrieve and share data.
Each cache instance is independent from each other, and it is not affected by other cache instances.
Applications running on an appserver can access cache instances on other appservers as long as they are part of the same replication domain.
WAS v6 provides two types of cache instances:
The servlet cache instance stores...
- servlets
- JSPs
- Struts
- Tiles
- command objects
- SOAP requests
Servlet cache instances allow applications like WebSphere Portal Server and WebSphere Commerce to store data in separate caches.
The object cache instance is used to store, distribute and share Java objects. The following APIs are provided so the applications can interact with the object cache instances:
The DistributedMap and DistributedObjectCache interfaces are interfaces for the dynamic cache. Using these interfaces, J2EE applications and system components can cache and share Java objects by storing a reference to the object in the cache. The default dynamic cache instance is created if the dynamic cache service is enabled in the Administrative Console. This default instance is bound to the global JNDI namespace using the name...
If you are not using command caching yet but want to start using it, then IBM recommends that you use the DistributedMap API rather than command caching as described in 10.5.3, Command caching.