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renameNode command


A short name is assigned to a node during installation and customization. Use the renameNode command to modify the node name of a federated server. Launch this command from the node whose name you want to modify. When you issue this command the following occurs:

  1. Connects to the deployment manager.

  2. Stops all servers.

  3. Changes the node configuration on the deployment manager.

  4. Synchronizes the node.

For more information about where to run this command, see the Using command line tools article.



The command syntax is as follows:

renameNode.sh dmgr_host dmgr_port node 
[-nodeshortname name][-trace][-conntype type][-username uid]
[-password pwd][-logfile filename] [-help]



The following options are available for the renameNode command:

-nodeshortname <name>

The short name of the node.


Generates additional trace information in the log file for debugging purposes.

-conntype <type>

Specifies the JMX connector type to use for connecting to the deployment manager. Valid types are SOAP or RMI, which stands for Remote Method Invocation.

-username <uid>

User name for authentication if security is enabled. Acts the same as the -user option. The user name that you choose must be a pre-existing user name.

-password <pwd>

Password for authentication if security is enabled. The password that you choose must be one that is associated with a pre-existing user name.

-logfile <filename>

Location of the log file to which trace information is written. By default, the log file is called renameNode.log and is created in the logs directory of the profile for the node being renamed.


Prints a usage statement.


Prints a usage statement.


Usage scenario

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax:


renameNode.bat localhost 8879 newnode

[AIX HP-UX Solaris]

renameNode.sh localhost 8879 newnode


Related tasks

Use command line tools


Reference topic
