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#                           CSIv2 Properties File
#  This file contains properties that are used by the CSIv2 component 
#  of the WAS product.  CSIv2 executes on 
#  WebSphere java servers and client systems with java applications that 
#  access WebSphere servers over the IIOP protocol.
#  ** CSIv2 Trace Instructions **
#  Note:  To enable logging of trace on the application client, add the 
#  following property to the startup script: -DtraceSettingsFile=filename.
#  Do not specify filename as a fully qualified path and filename, just
#  specify the filename.  The file must exist in the classpath to be loaded. 
#  A sample file is provided in <was_root>/properties/TraceSettings.properties.
#  There are two related functions provided by this file: 
#    1.traceFileName property
#      This should be set to the fully qualified name of a file to which you want
#      output written. For example, traceFileName=c:\\MyTraceFile.log. This
#      property must be specified, otherwise no visible output is generated. 
#    2.Trace string
#      To enable CSIv2 trace, specify the trace string: SASRas=all=enabled
#  If you only want to trace specific classes, you can specify a trace filter by
#  adding the property com.ibm.CORBA.securityTraceFilter=<comma-separated class names>
#  Example:  com.ibm.CORBA.securityTraceFilter=SecurityConnectionInterceptor, CSIClientRI, SessionManager
#  ** Encoding Passwords in this File **
#  The PropFilePasswordEncoder utility may be used to encode passwords in a
#  properties file. To edit an encoded password, replace the whole password
#  string (including the encoding tag {...}) with the new password and then
#  encode the password with the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility. Refer to
#  product documentation for additional information.
#  Note:  The old SAS protocol has been removed.   Only CSIv2 is supported in
#         this release.

# Client Security Enablement
# - security enabled status  ( false, true [default] )

# Authentication Configuration
# - authenticationTarget       (BasicAuth [default], this is the only supported selection
#                               on a pure client for this release.  This is for message
#                               layer authentication only, SSL client certificate authentication
#                               is configured below under CSIv2 configuration.)
# - authenticationRetryEnabled (enables authentication retries if login fails when 
#                               loginSource=prompt or stdin)
# - authenticationRetryCount   (the number of times to retry)
# - source                     (prompt [default], properties, keyfile, stdin, none)
# - timeout                    (prompt timeout, specified in seconds, 0 min to 600 max [default 300])
# - validateBasicAuth          (determines if immediate authentication after uid/pw login, 
#                               or wait for method request to send uid/pw to server, 
#                               setting this to false gives the previous release behavior.)
# - securityServerHost         (when validateBasicAuth=true, this property might need to be set
#                               in order for security code to lookup SecurityServer.  Needs to be set to
#                               any running WebSphere server host in the cell you are authenticating to.
# - securityServerPort         (when validateBasicAuth=true, this property might need to be set
#                               in order for security code to lookup SecurityServer.  Needs to be set to
#                               the bootstrap port of the host chosen above.
# - loginUserid                (must be set if login source is "properties" )
# - loginPassword              (must be set if login source is "properties" )
# - principalName              (format: "realm/userid", only needed in cases where realm 
#                               is required. Typically the realm is already provided by the
#                               server via the IOR and this property is not necessary).

# RMI/IIOP user identity

# CSIv2 Configuration (see InfoCenter for more information on these properties).
# This is where you enable SSL client certificate authentication.  Must also 
# specify a valid SSL keyStore below with a personal certificate in it.

# Does this client support stateful sessions?

# Does this client support/require BasicAuth (userid/password) client authentication?

# Does this client support/require SSL client authentication?  

# Note: You can perform BasicAuth (uid/pw) and SSL client authentication (certificate)
# simultaneously, however, the BasicAuth identity will always take precedence at the server.

# Does this client support/require SSL connections?

# Does this client support/require 40-bit cipher suites when using SSL?
# Note: This property is only valid when SSL connections are supported or required.

# Does this client support/require 128-bit cipher suites when using SSL?
# Note: This property is only valid when SSL connections are supported or required.

# SSL configuration alias referenced in ssl.client.props

# CORBA Request Timeout (used when getting NO_RESPONSE exceptions, typically
#                        during high-stress loads.  Specify on all processes
#                        involved in the communications.)
# - timeout             (specified in seconds [default 180], 0 implies no timeout)
#    com.ibm.CORBA.requestTimeout=180