Connections in auto-commit mode

By default, any connection obtained from a one-phase datasource (implementing javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource) is in auto-commit mode, when there is no scoping transaction. When in auto-commit mode, each database action (statement) is executed and committed in a single database transaction. Servlets often use connections in auto-commit, because transaction semantics are not necessary.

Enterprise applications do not usually use auto-commit connections, because they frequently require multiple statements to be executed, and serially committing each would be quite cumbersome. Auto-commit can be explicitly disabled by calling setAutoCommit() on a Connection object. When a StaleConnectionException is caught from a connection in auto-commit mode, recovery is a simple matter of closing all of the associated JDBC resources and retrying the operation with a new connection.

However, in some cases the cause of a database outage might be transient. In these cases, adding a delay in the retry logic can allow a database service to be restored. The number of retries as well as any delay should be small, so as to keep a client from waiting an inordinate amount of time. Sample code is shown in Example A-1.

Example: A-1 Sample code for connections in auto-commit mode

public void myConnPool() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
  // retry indicates whether to retry or not
  // numOfRetries states how many retries have been attempted
  boolean retry = false;
  int numOfRetries = 0;
  java.sql.Connection conn = null;
  java.sql.Statement stmt = null;
  do {
    try {
      //Assumes that a datasource has already been obtained from JNDI
      conn = ds.getConnection();
      stmt = conn.createStatement();
        "INSERT INTO ORG VALUES (10, 'Pacific', '270', 'Western', 'Seattle')");
      retry = false;
    } catch ( sce) {
      //if a StaleConnectionException is caught rollback and retry the action
      if (numOfRetries < 2) {
        retry = true;
        // add an optional pause
      } else {
        retry = false;
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
      //deal with other database exception
    } finally {
      //always cleanup JDBC resources
      try {
        if (stmt != null)
      } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
        //usually can ignore
      try {
        if (conn != null)
      } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
        //usually can ignore
  } while (retry);

