12.6.3 Testing messaging engine with NoOP policy failover

When all resources are set up and running on the systems we recommend you test the setup to see that everything is working as expected. Possible tests include:

Shut down the system where the appserver is running.

Kill the appserver process using the kill -9 command.

When a messaging engine starts in a server, messages are written to the SystemOut.log file. Therefore, monitor this file on the failed-over system for messages similar to the ones shown in Example 12-1.

Example 12-1 Message engine start messages

[8/25/05 11:18:03:743 CDT] 00000045 SibMessage    I   [TradeCluster:TradeCluster.000-TradeCluster] CWSIS1538I: The messaging engine, ME_UUID=02BF0BF501CE0540, INC_UUID=373ad6a9ee6e8153, is attempting to obtain an exclusive lock on the data store.
[8/25/05 11:18:04:037 CDT] 00000045 SibMessage    I   [TradeCluster:TradeCluster.000-TradeCluster] CWSIS1537I: The messaging engine, ME_UUID=02BF0BF501CE0540, INC_UUID=373ad6a9ee6e8153, has acquired an exclusive lock on the data store.
[8/25/05 11:18:11:227 CDT] 00000027 SibMessage    I   [TradeCluster:TradeCluster.000-TradeCluster] CWSID0016I: Messaging engine TradeCluster.000-TradeCluster is in state Started.

Alternatively, you can open the Administrative Console and go to Core groups  | Core group settings  | CoreGroupName (most probably DefaultCoreGroup)  | Runtime tab.

Enter WSAF_SIB_MESSAGING_ENGINE=Your_ME into the Group name properties field, and click Show groups (for example, WSAF_SIB_MESSAGING_ENGINE=TradeCluster.000-TradeCluster). You could also leave the asterisk (*) in the Group name properties field, and click Show groups to display all High availability groups.

Click the link for your HA group to display the Name of the Server the ME runs on. This panel also shows the status of the ME. See Figure 12-19. Verify this panel before and after the failover.

Figure 12-19 ME status and server it runs on

