11.4.2 Configuring HACMP to run the Node Agents and appservers

To configure HACMP to run the Node Agents and appservers, you add the Node Agent stop and start commands as well as the appropriate start and stop commands for each appserver in the failover unit to the HACMP stop and start scripts. Follow these steps:

1. Add the Node Agent and appserver stop commands to the HACMP stop script (ha.stop) on both HHOST1 and HHOST2. See Example 11-13 where we added a Node Agent and two appservers (wasmember07 and wasmember08) to the script. Be aware that the appserver names are case sensitive. Also make sure that you specify the correct profile directory.

Example 11-13 Script to stop appserver node

/usr/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/Custom01/bin/ wasmember07
/usr/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/Custom01/bin/ wasmember08

2. Add the Node Agent and appserver start commands to the HACMP start script (ha.start) on both HHOST1 and HHOST2. Notice that a Sleep 60 command was added after the Node Agent start command. This is because the appservers depend on an active Node Agent to be able to start successfully. This value might need to be adjusted for your environment, depending on the time the Node Agent takes to start. See Example 11-14.

Example 11-14 Script to start appserver node

sleep 60
/usr/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/Custom01/bin/ wasmember07
/usr/WebSphere6/AppServer/profiles/Custom01/bin/ wasmember08

3. Ensure that the HACMP services are active on HHOST2.

