11.3.3 Testing Deployment Manager failover

A Deployment Manager failover does not affect client access to your application. We tested the following failover scenarios: - Conducting a graceful failover test using the HACMP takeover option. Watch the SystemOut.log of the Deployment Manager for a successful start. Check all Node Agents to make sure they can synchronize before and after failover. There might be failed synchronization attempts during the failover. See Example 11-12 for a sample SystemOut.log of the Node Agent.

Example 11-12 Node Agent's SystemOut.log after Deployment Manager failover

#before failover
[4/13/05 12:19:36:632 CDT] 000001c0 NodeSyncTask  A   ADMS0003I: The configuration synchronization completed successfully.
#during failover
[4/13/05 12:20:45:600 CDT] 000001c4 NodeSync      E   ADMS0015E: The synchronization request cannot be completed because the node agent cannot communicate with the deployment manager.
[4/13/05 12:20:45:615 CDT] 000001c4 NodeSyncTask  A   ADMS0016I: The configuration synchronization failed.
#after failover
[4/13/05 12:23:56:548 CDT] 000001cb DiscoveryMBea I   ADMD0023I: The system discovered process (name: dmgr, type: DeploymentManager, pid: 13478)
[4/13/05 12:24:01:732 CDT] 000001d0 NodeSyncTask  A   ADMS0003I: The configuration synchronization completed successfully.

- Fall back to HHOST1 and conduct a shutdown failover test using reboot -q on HHOST1. Watch the SystemOut.log on the Deployment Manager and the Node Agents for success.

Other possible test scenarios include ending the Deployment Manager process using the kill command or unplugging the network cable of HHOST1.

