WAS V6 enables hot failover of in-transit two-phase commit (2PC) transactions. The XA transaction log for WebSphere on z/OS should be configured to use a shared Hierarchical File System (HFS). Every system in the Parallel Sysplex can be configured to access the shared HFS. Because every server can read another server's transaction log, recovery of an in-doubt transaction is quick and easy. For performance reason, we recommend to use a separate shared HFS for XA transaction logging, rather than using the same HFS that is used for the server configuration.
The log stream can also be used for XA transaction logging. Using Coupling Facility log streams is recommended for sysplex-wide recovery.
The use of a shared HFS for XA transaction logging must be enabled explicitly, Check the Enable high availability for persistent services box in the cluster configuration as shown in Figure 8-7.
Ensure that no ARM policy exists for the cluster. |
Figure 8-7 Enable HA for persistent services