7.2.3 Configuring cross-site mirroring

There are several prerequisites for configuring cross-site mirroring. To find the current list of recommended and required fixes, go to:

Then, click the link for Geographic Mirroring.

To configure cross-site mirroring perform the following steps:

1. From the iSeries Navigator, select your primary server. Then, choose Configuration and Service  | Hardware  | Disk Units.

2. Enter the Service tools user ID and password if you are prompted to do so. Then, click Disk pools.

3. Right-click your IASP name, and under the Geographic Mirroring menu select Configure Geographic Mirroring. See Figure 7-17 for details.

Figure 7-17 Configure cross-site mirroring

4. Click OK on the dialog box that confirms that you are starting the configuration of geographic mirroring on the DEVCRG resource group.

5. On the Welcome page confirm that your IASP is in the box and press Next.

6. Select your IASP on the next panel, and click Edit to change its attributes.

7. Modify the Trade disk pool attributes to the following values:

a. Update the mode to Synchronous.

b. If you plan to configure local protection check the box to Protect the data in this disk pool. This ensures that you have the option to configure local mirroring or parity protection in a few minutes.

c. Select OK to confirm your attribute changes.

Figure 7-18 Modify attributes for Trade disk pool

8. After returning to the Disk Pools window, click Next to continue.

9. Specify the remote node on which you are creating the mirror copy IASP. In our example, we use amsterdamSVR2. Click Next.

10. It is now time to configure the second IASP by adding unconfigured disk units to the device. Click Add Disk Units, select all of the disks to add to the IASP, and click OK.

11. Click Finish to perform the configuration. This likely takes a few minutes. Also, when the IASP is varied on later, any protection you configured takes effect, which lengthens the time for the vary on.

