4.6 Sample wsadmin scripts for administration tasks

The IBM developerWorks Web site provides many useful administration scripts (.jacl scripts) that use to configure and administer your WebSphere environment. You can run them "as is" or modify them for your own environment.

Note that some of the scripts are not yet available for WebSphere V6. Monitor the download site for future updates. You can download these scripts from:

The available scripts include: - Scripts for automated application deployment that perform functions such as:

Read a Distribution Directory dynamically to determine what EARs need to be installed or updated or reconfigured or uninstalled.

Use environment or stage specific property files to determine the target Nodes and Servers or Clusters and the application settings.

Calculate the unique set of affected Nodes and Servers (to avoid unnecessary interruptions to others).

Perform a phased update of affected Nodes and Servers to assist in maintaining high availability.

- Administration scripts that perform common administration functions, such as:

Create and modify a server, load an application onto the server, and start the server.

Stop a server on a given node, uninstall an application and remove the server from the configuration.

Invoke various application install commands.

Invoke commands that produce a short summary of configuration and runtime information about the WebSphere installation.

List all enterprise applications installed on a specific appserver.

At the time of writing this book, these administration scripts were available for WebSphere V5 but not V6.

- Scripts for WAS security configuration (V5, V5.1, and V6 versions available).

- Scripts for WAS configuration changes (V5.1.1 only).

