3.5 Enhancing WebSphere process availability using clustering software

Operating system process monitoring and restart does not help if the Deployment Manager or Node Agent fails due to any network, disk, operating system, or host machine problem. In order to achieve 24 x 7 availability, third-party clustering software such as IBM HACMP, IBM Tivoli System Automation, Sun Cluster, or VERITAS Cluster Server needs to be used.

The underlying concept for all of the aforementioned third-party software is essentially the same and is described in Chapter 9, Configuring WAS for external clustering software. Then, we provide individual chapters for each of these software packages: - Detailed configuration instructions for using IBM HACMP to create a highly available Deployment Manager or Node Agent and appserver cluster are provided in Chapter 11, WebSphere and IBM HACMP.

- Detailed configuration instructions for using IBM Tivoli System Automation (TSA) to create a highly available Deployment Manager or Node Agent and appserver cluster are provided in Chapter 10, WebSphere and IBM Tivoli System Automation.

- Detailed configuration instructions for using VERITAS Cluster Server to create a highly available Deployment Manager or Node Agent and appserver cluster are provided in Chapter 12, WebSphere and VERITAS Cluster Server.

- Detailed configuration instructions for using Sun Cluster to create a highly available Deployment Manager or Node Agent and appserver cluster are provided in Chapter 13, WebSphere and Sun Cluster.

