2.6.4 EJB types, workload management and failover

EJB workload management and high availability are achieved by a combination of WebSphere server cluster support and the WebSphere ORB (Object Request Broker) workload management plug-in. EJB failover depends on whether this type of EJB can be workload-managed by the container.

The workload management service provides load balancing and high availability support for the following types of EJBs:

Homes of entity or session beans

Instances of entity beans

Instances of stateless session beans

The only type of EJB references not subject to load distribution through EJB WLM are stateful session bean instances. However, IBM WAS ND V6 now supports stateful session bean failover as explained in 2.6.5, Stateful session bean failover.

Table 2-1 summarizes the workload management capability of different types of EJBs.

Table 2-1 Summary of EJB types and WLM

EJB types Component WLM capable
Entity bean (Option A) Home Yes
CMP bean instance No
BMP bean instance No
Entity bean (Option B,C) Home Yes
CMP bean instance Yes
BMP bean instance Yes
Message-driven bean Bean instance Yes
Session Bean Home Yes
Stateless bean instance Yes
Stateful bean instance No

