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WSGateway command group for the AdminTask object


You can use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to manage deployed applications with the wsadmin tool. The commands and parameters in the WSGateway group can be used to create and manage gateway services, proxy services, and target services. The WSGateway command group for the AdminTask object includes the following commands:



The addWSGWTargetService command adds a target to a gateway service. You must specify the targetService parameter or the targetDestination parameter.

Target object Object name of the GatewayService object

Parameters and return values


The administrative name of the target service. (Required)


The name of the target destination. This can be within the same bus as the gateway destination or in a different bus. If the target destination is not within the same bus as the gateway destination, also specify the targetBus parameter. You must either specify the targetDestination parameter or the targetService parameter. (Conditional)


The name of the target outbound service. You must either specify the targetDestination parameter or the targetService parameter. (Conditional)


The name of the WPM bus that contains the target. (Optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The createWSGWGatewayService command creates a new GatewayService with associated InboundService and TargetService objects. Configuration of the InboundPort and OutboundService/Port that is associated with these objects is done using separate commands.

Target object ObjectName of the gateway instance which the gateway service is created

Parameters and return values


Administrative name of the Gateway Service. (required)


Location of the template WSDL. May be a URL or a UDDI business key (UUID). (conditional)


The name of the service in the WSDL. (conditional)


The namespace of the service in the WSDL. (conditional)


The name of the target destination. (conditional)


The name of the target outbound service. (conditional)


The name of the gateway destination. (optional)


The name of the gateway reply destination. (optional)


The name of the WPM bus containing the target. (optional)


The reference of the UDDI registry for the WSDL. (optional)


The user id to use to retrieve the WSDL. (optional)


The password to use to retrieve the WSDL. (optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The createWSGWProxyService command creates a new proxy service with an associated inbound service and a target service object with an associated outbound service. Configuration of the inbound port objects that are associated with the inbound service is done using separate commands.

Target object The object name of the gateway instance within which the proxy service is created.

Parameters and return values


The administrative name of the proxy service. (required)


The node where the destinations will be localized. (conditional)


The server where the destinations will be localized. (conditional)


Cluster where the destinations will be localized. (conditional)


The name of the proxy request destination. (optional)


The name of the proxy reply destination. (optional)


The location of the proxy WSDL (URL). (optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The deleteWSGWGatewayService command deletes a gateway service. It deletes the gateway destination, the corresponding reply destination, the inbound service, the inbound port enablement objects, and all of the associated target service objects. This command does not delete the destinations that are associated with the target services.

Target object Object name of the gateway service object

Parameters and return values


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The deleteWSGWProxyService command deletes a proxy service that includes the proxy destinations, outbound service, outbound ports, inbound service, and inbound port enablement objects.

Target object Object name of the ProxyService object

Parameters and return values


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The removeWSGWTargetService command removes a target service from the gateway service. The destinations that are associated with the target service are not deleted. If the target service that you remove is the default target service, the default is set to the first target service in the set or cleared if none are left.

Target object The object name of the TargetService object.

Parameters and return values


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


Related tasks

Use the AdminTask object for scripted administration


Related Reference

Commands for the AdminTask object


Reference topic