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WASPostUpgrade command


The WASPostUpgrade command for WebSphere Application Server V6.1 retrieves the saved configuration that was created by the WASPreUpgrade command from the backupDirectory that you specified. The WASPostUpgrade script for WebSphere Application Server V6.1 reads the configuration from this directory to migrate to WAS V6.1 and adds all migrated applications into the app_server_root/installedApps directory for the V6.1 installation.



The command file is located and should be run in the V6.1 app_server_root/bin directory.



The syntax is as follows: [AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

WASPostUpgrade.sh backupDirectory
                     [-oldProfile profile_name]
                     [-profileName profile_name]
                     [-scriptCompatibility true | false]
                     [-portBlock port_starting_number]
                     [-backupConfig true | false]
                     [-replacePorts true | false]
                     [-includeApps true | false | script]
                     [-keepAppDirectory true | false]
                     [-keepDmgrEnabled true | false]
                     [-appInstallDirectory user_specified_directory]
                     [-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]


WASPostUpgrade.bat backupDirectory
                     [-oldProfile profile_name]
                     [-profileName profile_name]
                     [-scriptCompatibility true | false]
                     [-portBlock port_starting_number]
                     [-backupConfig true | false]
                     [-replacePorts true | false]
                     [-includeApps true | false | script]
                     [-keepAppDirectory true | false]
                     [-keepDmgrEnabled true | false]
                     [-appInstallDirectory user_specified_directory]
                     [-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]



The parameters are as follows:


This is a required parameter. The value backupDirectory specifies the name of the directory in which the WASPreUpgrade tool stores the saved configuration and files and from which the WASPostUpgrade tool reads the configuration and files.


This is an optional parameter for migrating instances or profiles from previous WAS versions. The instance or profile must already exist in the migration backup directory before running this command.

In WAS V5.x, unique instance names were defined by the concatenation of -instanceName and -hostName; this concatenation forms the profile_name that use with the -oldprofile parameter. In WAS V5.x, this concatenation is stored in the app_server_root/properties directory in a file called wsinstance.config.


This is an optional parameter for migrating to specific profiles in WebSphere Application Server V6.1. The value profile_name specifies the name of the V6.1 profile to which the script migrates the configuration. You must have already created this profile before calling the WASPostUpgrade command.

If the -profileName parameter is not specified, the default profile will be used. If no default profile is found, the system will report an error.


This is an optional parameter used to specify whether or not migration should create the following Version 5.x or 6.0.x configuration definitions:

  • Transport

  • ProcessDef

  • V5.x or 6.0.x SSL

instead of the following V6.1 configuration definitions:

  • Channels

  • ProcessDefs

  • V6.1 SSL

The default is true.

Specify true for this parameter in order to minimize impacts to existing administration scripts. If you have existing wsadmin scripts or programs that use third-party configuration APIs to create or modify the V5.x or 6.0.x configuration definitions, for example, you might want to specify true for this option during migration.

This is meant to provide a temporary transition until all of the nodes in the environment are at the V6.1 level. When they are all at the V6.1 level, you should perform the following actions:

  1. Modify your administration scripts to use all of the V6.1 settings.

  2. Use the convertScriptCompatability command to convert the configurations to match all of the V6.1 settings.

    See convertScriptCompatibility command.


This is an optional parameter. The port_starting_number value specifies the first of a block of consecutive port numbers to assign when the command script runs.


This is an optional parameter used to specify whether the existing WebSphere Application Server V6.1 configuration is saved before any changes are made by the WASPostUpgrade tool. The default is true—that is, to use the backupConfig command to save a copy of the current configuration into the profile_name/temp directory.

Use the restoreConfig command to restore that configuration as required. See restoreConfig command.


This optional parameter is used to specify how to map port values for virtual hosts and web-container transport ports.

  • FalseDo not replace the default port definitions during migration.

    • The previous version's configuration is left alone – no channels are deleted.

    • The following four named channels are set to values that are equivalent to the values set for the previous release:

      • WC_adminhost

      • WC_defaulthost

      • WC_adminhost_secure

      • WC_defaulthost_secure

    • The migration process creates transports or channels, based on the -scriptCompatibility setting, for any ports in the previous release.

    • The migration process sets all non-web-container ports to the values set for the previous release.

    • Port conflicts might arise if the migration process creates a transport or channel that is the same as one defined in the web container.

    This is the default.

  • True

    Replace all virtual host alias port settings during migration. By default, the migration process adds configuration data from the previous environment to the data in the new WAS V6.1 environment. In some cases, however, this might not be the desired behavior for these port values. For example, existing port definitions from the earlier release might have been carefully set to avoid port conflicts with other products; in such cases, it is likely that you would want to migrate these settings into the V6.1 configuration. Specify true for this parameter to cause any ports of matching virtual hosts to be removed from the V6.1 configuration before the new values are added.

    • All transport channels associated with the web container are deleted except for the following four named channels, which are set to values that are equivalent to the values set for the previous release:

      • WC_adminhost

      • WC_defaulthost

      • WC_adminhost_secure

      • WC_defaulthost_secure

    • The migration process creates transports or channels, based on the -scriptCompatibility setting, for any ports in the previous release.

    • The migration process sets all non-web-container ports to the values set for the previous release.


This is an optional parameter that can be specified in the following ways:

  • True

    Include user enterprise applications as part of the migration.

    This is the default.

  • False

    Do nothing with user enterprise applications during WASPostUpgrade processing.

  • Script

    Prepare user enterprise applications for installation in the WAS V6.1 installableApps directory without actually installing them during WASPostUpgrade processing.

    JACL scripts that can be used to install these applications are generated and saved in the backupDirectory directory. You can then run these files at any point and in any combination after the WASPostUpgrade command has completed. You can also reorganize and combine these JACL files for better applications installation efficiency if you want.

system applications will migrate regardless of the value set by this parameter.


This is an optional parameter used to specify whether to install all applications to the same directories in which they are currently located. The default is false.

If this parameter is specified as true, each individual application retains its location. Restrictions: If this parameter is specified as true, the location is shared by the existing WAS V5.x or 6.0.x installation and the Version 6.1 installation. If you keep the migrated applications in the same locations as those of the previous version, the following restrictions apply:

  • The WAS V6.1 mixed-node support limitations must be followed. This means that the following support cannot be used when evoking the wsadmin command:

    • Precompile JSP

    • Use Binary Configuration

    • Deploy EJB

  • You risk losing the migrated applications unintentionally if you later delete applications from these locations when administering (uninstalling for example) your V5.x or 6.0.x installation.


This is an optional parameter used to specify whether to disable the existing WAS V5.x or 6.0.x deployment manager. The default is false.

If this parameter is specified as true, you can use the existing V5.x or 6.0.x deployment manager while the migration is completed. It is only valid when you are migrating a deployment manager; it is ignored in all other migrations. Caution: Use this parameter with care.

  • The reason that WAS V5.x or 6.0.x deployment manager configurations normally are stopped and disabled is to prevent multiple deployment managers from managing the same nodes. You must stop the Version 5.x or 6.0.x deployment manager before you start using the V6.1 deployment manager. The most likely error conditions that will occur if this is not done are port conflicts when the second instance of the deployment manager is started.

  • Specifying true for this parameter means that any configuration changes made in the old configuration during migration might not be migrated.


This is an optional parameter used to pass the directory name to use when installing all applications during migration. The default of profile_name\installedApps is used if this parameter is not specified.

Quotes must be used around the directory name if one or more blanks are in the name.


This is an optional parameter. The value trace_spec specifies the trace information to collect.

To gather all trace information, specify "*=all=enabled" (with quotation marks).

If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.

If you specify this parameter, also specify the -traceFile parameter.


This is an optional parameter. The value file_name specifies the name of the output file for trace information.

If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.

If you specify the -traceString parameter but do not specify the -traceFile parameter, the script does not generate a trace file.



The WASPostUpgrade tool displays status to the screen while running. This tool also saves a more extensive set of logging information in the WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log file located in the profile_root/logs directory. You can view the WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log file with a text editor.


Related tasks

Migrating product configurations
Use the migration tools to migrate product configurations


Related Reference

clientUpgrade command
WASPreUpgrade command


Reference topic