Target specific application status
Use this page to view mappings of deployed applications or modules to servers.
On multiple-server products, the target can be a cluster as well as a server.
Also use this page to enable or disable the automatic starting of an application when the server on which the application resides starts.
To view this console page, click Applications > Enterprise Applications > application > Target specific application status.
- Target
States the name of the target server to which the application or module maps. You specify the target on the Manage modules page accessed from the settings for an application.
- Node
- Node name if the target is a server.
- V
Specify the version level of the target. The target can be a 5.x deployment target or a 6.x deployment target.
A 5.x deployment target is a server with at least one member on a WAS V5 product.
A 6.x deployment target is a server with all members on a WAS Version 6 product.
An application, enterprise bean (EJB) module, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) module (SAR), or Web module developed for a Version 5.x product can reside on a 5.x or 6.x deployment target, provided the module--
- Does not support J2EE 1.4;
- Does not call any 6.x runtime APIs; and
- Does not use any 6.x product features.
Similarly, a resource adapter (connector) module, or RAR file, developed for a V5.x product can reside on a 5.x or 6.x node, provided the module does not support Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) 1.5 and does not call any 6.x runtime APIs. If the module supports JCA 1.5 or calls a 6.x API, then the module must reside on a 6.x node.
If JavaServer Pages precompilation, EJB deployment (ejbdeploy), or Web Services deployment (wsdeploy) are enabled, then you can deploy applications to only those targets that have same product version as the deployment manager. If applications are targeted to servers that have an earlier version than the deployment manager, then you cannot deploy to those targets. Thus, if JSP precompilation, ejbdeploy, or wsdeploy are enabled, then you can deploy applications to only a 6.1 target.
- Auto Start
Specify whether the application modules installed on the target server are started (or enabled) when the server starts. This setting specifies the initial state of application modules. A Yes value indicates that the corresponding modules are enabled and thus are accessible when the server starts. A No value indicates that the corresponding modules are not enabled and thus are not accessible when the server starts.
By default, Auto Start is enabled. Thus, by default an installed application starts automatically when the server on which the application resides starts.
You can enable and disable the automatic starting of the application. To disable the automatic starting of the application, enable the Select check box beside the target server and click Disable Auto Start. When automatic starting is disabled, the application does not start when its server starts. To enable the automatic starting of the application, select the target and click Enable Auto Start.
- Application Status
Indicates whether the application deployed on the appserver is started, stopped, or unavailable.
Started Application is running.
Partial Start Application is in the process of changing from a Stopped state to a Started state. Application is starting to run but is not fully running yet. The application might be in the Partial Start state because one of its appservers is not started.
Stopped Application is not running.
Partial Stop Application is in the process of changing from a Started state to a Stopped state. Application has not stopped running yet.
Unavailable Status cannot be determined.
Not applicable Application does not provide information as to whether it is running.
The status of an application on a Web server is always Unavailable.
Related tasks
Configure J2EE applications
Disabling automatic starting of applications
Related Reference
Manage modules settings
Reference topic