Sample: Container-managed ActivitySessions service
To run the container-managed ActivitySessions Sample...
- From a command prompt.
On Windows platforms:
cd <profile_root>\bin
setupCmdLineOn Linux, UNIX and z/OS platforms:
cd <profile_root>/bin
. ./setupCmdLine.shOn iSeries platforms:
cd <profile_root>/bin
. ./setupCmdLine
- cd profile_root/installedApps/<cell_name>
- Invoke the Sample:
Windows platforms:
install_root\bin\launchClient activitysession.ear -CCBootstrapPort=<port_number> -CCjar=ASContainerSampleClient.jar -CCexitVM=trueLinux, UNIX and z/OS platforms:
install_root/bin/ activitysession.ear -CCBootstrapPort=<port_number> -CCjar=ASContainerSampleClient.jar -CCexitVM=trueiSeries platform:
install_root/bin/launchClient activitysession.ear -CCBootstrapPort=<port_number> -CCjar=ASContainerSampleClient.jar -CCexitVM=true...where: <port_number> is the port on which the appserver is listening:
Configuration Default port number Base 2809 ND 9810 - If WebSphere global security is enabled, enter the user ID and password that are used for configuring WebSphere global security in the Client container menu.
- The client reports the progress. The output is similar to the following example:
Starting ActivitySessions Sample
Accessing UserActivitySession
Retrieving an ASContainerManagedEJBHome from JNDI
Finding or Creating EJB instances
Starting First ActivitySession
Updating EJBs
Ending ActivitySession with Checkpoint
Starting Second ActivitySession
Updating EJBs
Ending ActivitySession with Reset
Checking values
Sample has completed successfully