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Running your new monitoring applications


Use this page to learn about the steps follow in order to run monitoring applications.



Follow these steps to run your monitoring applications.



  1. We need a WAS installation or WebSphere Application Server J2EE client package to run a PMI application.

  2. Use a PMI client API to write your own application.

  3. Compile the newly-written PMI application and place it on the class path. (The jar files under %WAS_HOME%\lib and %WAS_HOME%\classes folder will be placed in the class path by the following script.)

  4. To run a PMI application we need a WAS runtime environment (the appserver installation or a J2EE client package). Using the following script to run the application:

    The following is formatted for Windows based systems. You may need to adjust the script depending on your operating system.

    @echo off
     call "%~dp0setupCmdLine.bat"
    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" "%CLIENTSAS%" "%CLIENTSOAP%" -DwebsphereV5Statistics=false 
    -Dwas.install.root="%WAS_HOME%" -Dws.ext.dirs="%WAS_EXT_DIRS%" -classpath "%WAS_CLASSPATH%"  com.ibm.ws.bootstrap.WSLauncher com.ibm.websphere.pmi.PmiJmxTest %*

Performance Monitoring Infrastructure client package

Running your monitoring applications with security enabled


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