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Running the deployment manager with a non-root user ID


This article describes how to run the deployment manager with a non-root user ID on operating systems such as AIX or Linux.

If administrative security is enabled, the user registry must not be the local operating system. Using the local operating system user registry requires the dmgr process to run as root. If you are attempting to run a deployment manager as root in WAS V6 when you previously used a non-root user ID on operating systems such as AIX or Linux in Version 5.x, see Migrating a previously non-root configuration to root.



By default, the ND product on Linux platforms uses the root user to run the deployment manager, which is the dmgr process. You can use a non-root user to run the deployment manager. You might want to change to a non-root user ID for security or administrative reasons.

Perform this task to change the permissions for the deployment manager. Restart the deployment manager for the changes to take effect. For the steps that follow, assume that:

To configure a user to run the deployment manager, complete the following steps:



  1. Log on to the ND system as a non-root user.

  2. Create a new profile.

    The servers you create under this profile, including a deployment manager, run as non-root.

  3. Log on to the ND system system as the non-root user that corresponds to the new profile you created.

  4. Start the deployment manager process with the startManager.sh script. Issue the script command:

    app_server_root/profiles/deployment manager profile name/bin/



You can start a deployment manager process from a non-root user.


Related tasks

Running an appserver from a non-root user and the node agent from root
Running an Application Server and node agent from a non-root user
Configure deployment managers


Related Reference

manageprofiles command