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Regenerating the node plug-in configuration using scripting


You can use scripting and the wsadmin tool to regenerate the node plug-in configuration. Before starting this task, the wsadmin tool must be running. See the Start the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.



Perform the following steps to regenerate the node plug-in configuration:



  1. Identify the plug-in and assign it to the generator variable, for example:

    Use Jython:

    generator = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=PluginCfgGenerator,*')

    Using Jacl:

    set generator [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=PluginCfgGenerator,*]
    Additionally, you can specify the optional node parameter. In a ND environment, specify the node name of the deployment manager server.

  2. Regenerate the node plug-in for a given Web server definition.

    Use Jython:

    AdminControl.invoke(generator, 'generate', "profile_root/config mycell myWebServerNode myWebServerName true true")

    Use Jacl:

    $AdminControl invoke $generator generate "profile_root/config mycell myWebServerNode myWebServerName true true"



The following application-centric examples use the generate, propagate, and propagateKeyring operations for a given Web server definition:

wsadmin>$AdminControl invoke $generator generate "c:/was610/profiles/AppSrv02/config  01Cell03  01Node03 webserver1 true" wsadmin>$AdminControl invoke $generator propagate  "c:/was610/profiles/AppSrv02/config  01Cell03  01Node03 webserver1" wsadmin>$AdminControl invoke $generator propagateKeyring "c:/was610/profiles/AppSrv02/config  01Cell03  01Node03 webserver1"
The following information explains the possible parameters that the generate operation accepts:

public void generate(java.lang.String configuration_root, java.lang.String myCellName, java.lang.String myNodeName, java.lang.String myServerName, java.lang.Boolean
propagate, java.lang.Boolean propagateKeyring) 

configuration_root root directory for the configuration repository.
myCellName name of the cell.
myNodeName name of the node.
myServerName name of the server.
propagate boolean variable that specifies to propagate the configuration file.
propagateKeyring boolean variable that specifies to propagate the keyring file.

The following network-centric example uses the generate operation to generate the plug-in configuration file for the cell:

wsadmin>$AdminControl invoke $generator generate "c:/was610 c:/was610/profiles/Dmgr02/config 01Cell03 null null plugin-cfg.xml"
The following information explains the possible parameters that the generate operation accepts:

public void generate(java.lang.String app_server_root, java.lang.String configuration_root, java.lang.String myCellName, java.lang.String myNodeName, java.lang.String myServerName,java.lang.String myOutputFileName)  

app_server_root root directory for the appserver.
configuration_root root directory for the configuration repository.
myCellName name of the cell.
myNodeName name of the node.
myServerName name of the server.
myOutputFileName name of the plug-in configuration file.

Use the AdminControl object for scripted administration


Related information

Commands for the AdminControl object