PMI client interface (deprecated)
The data provided by the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) client interface is documented here.
Access to the PMI client interface data is provided in a hierarchical structure. Descending from the object are node information objects, module information objects, CpdCollection objects and CpdData objects. Using Version 5.0, you will get Stats and Statistic objects. The node and server information objects contain no performance data, only static information.
Each time a client retrieves performance data from a server, the data is returned in a subset of this structure; the form of the subset depends on the data retrieved. You can update the entire structure with new data, or update only part of the tree, as needed.
The JMX statistic data model is supported, as well as the existing CPD data model from V4.0. When you retrieve performance data using the V5.0 PMI client API, you get the Stats object, which includes Statistic objects and optional sub-Stats objects. When you use the V4.0 PMI client API to collect performance data, you get the CpdCollection object, which includes the CpdData objects and optional sub-CpdCollection objects. The following are additional Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) interfaces:
- BoundaryStatistic
- BoundedRangeStatistic
- CountStatistic
- MBeanStatDescriptor
- MBeanLevelSpec
- New Methods in PmiClient
- RangeStatistic
- Stats
- Statistic
- TimeStatistic
The following PMI interfaces introduced in V4.0 are also supported:
- CpdCollection
- CpdData
- CpdEventListener and CpdEvent
- CpdFamily class
- CpdValue
- CpdLong
- CpdStat
- CpdLoad
- PerfDescriptor
- PmiClient class
The CpdLong maps to CountStatistic; CpdStat maps to Time Statistic; CpdCollection maps to Stats; and CpdLoad maps to RangeStatistic and BoundedRangeStatistic.
V4.0 PmiClient APIs are supported in this version, however, there are some changes. The data hierarchy is changed in some PMI modules, notably the enterprise bean module and HTTP sessions module. If you have an existing PmiClient application, and you want to run it against Version 5.0, you might have to update the PerfDescriptor(s) based on the new PMI data hierarchy. Also, the getDataName and getDataId methods in PmiClient are changed to be non-static methods in order to support multiple WebSphere Application Server versions. You might have to update your existing application which uses these two methods.
Related tasks
Use PMI client to develop your monitoring application (deprecated)
Reference topic