Migrate administrative scripts from V6.0.2 to V6.1
There are some changes you should be aware of when migrating from WAS V6.0.2 to V6.1
There are a few changes to be aware of that are required for your existing scripts when moving to WAS V6.1. In general, the administration model has changed very little. However, there are some changes required with V6.1. See the following steps for the two categories of changes:
- Be aware of removed features that may have an impact on administration scripts. For more information, see the Deprecated and removed features article. These may include...
- Support for the Secure Authentication Service (SAS) IIOP security protocol.
- Support for the Common Connector Framework (CCF).
- Support for the IBM Cloudscape V5.1.x database.
- Be aware of the change required when creating Service Integration Bus objects. For more information about the createSIBus command, see the Creating a service integration bus through the command line article.
Migrating administrative scripts