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ManagementScopeCommands command group for the AdminTask object


You can use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure security with the wsadmin tool. Inbound and outbound management scopes represent opposing directions during the connection handshake process. The commands and parameters in the ManagementScopeCommands group can be used to create, delete, and list management scopes. The ManagementScopeCommands command group for the AdminTask object includes the following commands:



The deleteManagementScope command deletes a management object from the configuration.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- scopeName

The name that uniquely identifies the management scope. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The getManagementScope command displays the setting of a management scope object.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- scopeName

The name that uniquely identifies the management scope. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listManagementScopes command lists the management scopes in the configuration.

Target object


Parameters and return values

- displayObjectName

Set the value to true to display the object names of the management scope. (Boolean, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


Related tasks

Use the AdminTask object for scripted administration


Related Reference

Commands for the AdminTask object


Reference topic