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Manage servers with scripting


Use these topics to learn about managing servers with scripting.



This topic contains the following tasks:



Stopping a node using scripting

Start servers using scripting

Stopping servers using scripting

Querying server state using scripting

Listing running applications on running servers using scripting

Start listener ports using scripting

Manage generic servers using scripting

Setting development mode for server objects using scripting

Disabling parallel startup using scripting

Obtaining server version information with scripting

NodeGroupCommands command group for the AdminTask object

Utility command group of the AdminTask object

ManagedObjectMetadata command group for the AdminTask object

ServerManagement command group for the AdminTask object

UnmanagedNodeCommands command group for the AdminTask object

ConfigArchiveOperations command group for the AdminTask object


Related tasks

Use scripting (wsadmin)
Getting started with scripting