Learn about work areas
Find links to Web resources for learning, including conceptual overviews, tutorials, samples, and "How do I?..." topics, pending their availability.
How do I?...
Implement shared work areas
Implement shared work areas
Develop applications that use work areas
Begin a new work area
Set properties in a work area Administer local work areas
Use a work area to manage local work
Retrieve the name of the active work area
Override work area properties
Retrieve work area properties
Retrieve all keys in a work area
Query the mode of a work area property
Delete a work area property Administer the work area service
Access the work area service
Manage the work area service
Enable the work area service
Manage the size of work areas Configure work area partitions
Configure work area partitions
Access a user defined work area partition
Conceptual overviews
Overview of work area service
No tutorials are available at this time.
The Samples Gallery offers:
- WorkArea Company Context
The WorkArea Company context Sample verifies the correct installation and configuration of the WorkArea service in the three supported run-time environments: J2EE client, servlet, and enterprise bean. It can also be used to verify the correct installation of the WorkArea partition service in the same three run-time environments.