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KeySetGroupCommands command group for the AdminTask object


You can use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure security with the wsadmin tool. The commands and parameters in the KeySetGroupCommands group can be used to create and manage key set groups. Use these commands to manage groups of public, private, and shared keys. The KeySetGroupCommands command group for the AdminTask object includes the following commands:



The deleteKeySetGroup command deletes the settings of a key set group from the configuration.

Target object


Parameters and return values


The name that uniquely identifies the key set group. (String, required)


The name of the scope. (String, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The generateKeysForKeySetGroup command generates keys for all of the keys in the key sets that make up the key set group.

Target object


Parameters and return values


The name of the key set group. (String, required)


The scope of the key set group. (String, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The getKeySetGroups command displays the settings of a particular key set group.

Target object


Parameters and return values


The name that uniquely identifies the key set group. (String, required)


The name of the scope. (String, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The listKeySetGroups command lists the key set groups for a particular scope.

Target object


Parameters and return values


The name of the scope. (String, optional)


If you set the value of this parameter to true, the command returns a list of all of the key set group objects within a scope. If you set the value of this parameter to false, the command returns a list of strings that contain the key set group name and management scope. (Boolean, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



The modifyKeySetGroup command changes the settings of an existing key set group.

Target object


Parameters and return values


The name that uniquely identifies the key set group. (String, required)


The name of the scope. (String, optional)


Set the value of this parameter to true if you want to automatically generate keys. If not, set the value to false. (Boolean, optional)


The name of the scheduler to use to perform key generation. (String, optional)


A list of key set configuration names separated by colons (:). (String, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


Related tasks

Use the AdminTask object for scripted administration


Related Reference

Commands for the AdminTask object


Reference topic