JCAManagement command group for the AdminTask object
You can use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure messaging with scripting. The commands and parameters in the JCA management group can be used to create and manage resource adapters, Java 2 Connectory (J2C) activation specifications, administrative objects, connection factories, administrative object interfaces, and message listener types. The JCAManagement command group for the AdminTask object includes the following commands:
- copyResourceAdapter
- createJ2CActivationSpec
- createJ2CAdminObject
- createJ2CConnectionFactory
- listAdminObjectInterfaces
- listConnectionFactoryInterfaces
- listJ2CActivationSpecs
- listJ2CAdminObjects
- listJ2CConnectionFactories
- listMessageListenerTypes
Use the copyResourceAdapter command to create a Java 2 Connector (J2C) resource adapter under the scope specified.Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- -name
- Indicates the name of the new J2C resource adapter. This parameter is required.
- -scope
- Indicates the scope object ID. This parameter is required.
- -useDeepCopy
- If you set this parameter to true, all of the J2C connection factory, J2C activation specification, and J2C administrative objects will be copied to the new J2C resource adapter (deep copy). If you set this parameter to false, the objects are not created (shallow copy). The default is false.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask copyResourceAdapter $ra [subst {-name newRA -scope $scope}]
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.copyResourceAdapter(ra, '[-name newRA -scope scope]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.copyResourceAdapter(ra, ['-name', 'newRA', '-scope', 'scope'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask copyResourceAdapter {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.copyResourceAdapter ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.copyResourceAdapter (['-interactive'])
Use the createJ2CActivationSpec command to create a Java 2 Connector (J2C) activation specification under a J2C resource adapter and the attributes specified. Use the messageListenerType parameter to indicate the activation specification that is defined for the J2C resource adapter.Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- - messageListenerType
- Identifies the activation specification for the J2C activation specification to be created. Use this parameter to identify the activation specification template for the J2C resource adapter specified.
- -name
- Indicates the name of the J2C activation specification that you are creating.
- -jndiName
- Indicates the name of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
- - destinationJndiName
- Indicates the name of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) of corresponding destination.
- - authenticationAlias
- Indicates the authentication alias of the J2C activation specification that you are creating.
- -description
- Description of the created J2C activation specification.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask createJ2CActivationSpec $ra {-name J2CActSpec -jndiName eis/ActSpec1 -messageListenerType javax.jms.MessageListener }
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createJ2CActivationSpec(ra, '[-name J2CActSpec -jndiName eis/ActSpec1 -messageListenerType javax.jms.MessageListener]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createJ2CActivationSpec(ra, ['-name', 'J2CActSpec', '-jndiName', 'eis/ActSpec1', '-messageListenerType', 'javax.jms.MessageListener'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask createJ2CActivationSpec {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createJ2CActivationSpec ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createJ2CActivationSpec (['-interactive'])
Use the createJ2CAdminObject command to create an administrative object under a resource adapter with attributes specified. Use the administrative object interface to indicate the administrative object that is defined in the resource adapter.
Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- -adminObjectInterface
- Specifies the administrative object interface to identify the administrative object for the resource adapter specified. This parameter is required.
- -name
- Indicates the name of the administrative object.
- -jndiName
- Specifies the name of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
- -description
- Description of the created J2C admin object.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask createJ2CAdminObject $ra {-adminObjectInterface fvt.adapter.message.FVTMessageProvider -name J2CA01 -jndiName eis/J2CA01}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createJ2CAdminObject(ra, '[-adminObjectInterface fvt.adapter.message.FVTMessageProvider -name J2CA01 -jndiName eis/J2CA01]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createJ2CAdminObject(ra, ['-adminObjectInterface', 'fvt.adapter.message.FVTMessageProvider', '-name', 'J2CA01', '-jndiName', 'eis/J2CA01'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask createJ2CAdminObject {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createJ2CAdminObject ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createJ2CAdminObject (['-interactive'])
Use the createJ2CConnectionFactory command to create a Java 2 connection factory under a Java 2 resource adapter and the attributes specified. Use the connection factory interfaces to indicate the connection definitions that are defined for the Java 2 resource adapter.
Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- -connectionFactoryInterface
- Identifies the connection definition for the Java 2 resource adapter that you specify. This parameter is required.
- -name
- Indicates the name of the connection factory.
- -jndiName
- Indicates the name of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
- -description
- Description of the created J2C connection factory.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask createJ2CConnectionFactory $ra {-connectionFactoryInterfaces javax.sql.DataSource -name J2CCF1 -jndiName eis/J2CCF1}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createJ2CConnectionFactory(ra, '[-connectionFactoryInterfaces javax.sql.DataSource -name J2CCF1 -jndiName eis/J2CCF1]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createJ2CConnectionFactory(ra, ['-connectionFactoryInterfaces', 'javax.sql.DataSource', '-name', 'J2CCF1', '-jndiName', 'eis/J2CCF1'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask createJ2CConnectionFactory {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createJ2CConnectionFactory ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createJ2CConnectionFactory (['-interactive'])
Use the listAdminObjectInterfaces command to list the administrative object interfaces that are defined under the resource adapter specified.
Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- Parameters: None
- Returns: A list of administrative object interfaces.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listAdminObjectInterfaces $ra
- Use Jython string:
- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listAdminObjectInterfaces {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listAdminObjectInterfaces ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listAdminObjectInterfaces (['-interactive'])
Use the listConnectionFactoryInterfaces command to list all of the connection factory interfaces that are defined under the Java 2 connector resource adapter specified.
Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- Parameters: None
- Returns: A list of connection factory interfaces.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listConnectionFactoryInterfaces $ra
- Use Jython string:
- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listConnectionFactoryInterfaces {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listConnectionFactoryInterfaces ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listConnectionFactoryInterfaces (['-interactive'])
Use the listJ2CActivationSpecs command to list the activation specifications that are contained under the resource adapter and message listener type specified.
Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- -messageListenerType
- Specifies the message listener type for the resource adapter for which you are making a list. This parameter is required.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listJ2CActivationSpecs $ra {-messageListenerType javax.jms.MessageListener}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listJ2CActivationSpecs(ra, '[-messageListenerType javax.jms.MessageListener]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listJ2CActivationSpecs(ra, ['-messageListenerType', 'javax.jms.MessageListener'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listJ2CActivationSpecs {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listJ2CActivationSpecs ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listJ2CActivationSpecs (['-interactive'])
Use the listJ2CAdminObjects command to list administrative objects that contain the administrative object interface specified.
Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- -adminObjectInterface
- Specifies the administrative object interface for which you want to list. This parameter is required.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listJ2CAdminObjects $ra {-adminObjectInterface fvt.adaptor.message.FVTMessageProvider}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listJ2CAdminObjects(ra, '[-adminObjectInterface fvt.adaptor.message.FVTMessageProvider]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listJ2CAdminObjects(ra, ['-adminObjectInterface', 'fvt.adaptor.message.FVTMessageProvider'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listJ2CAdminObjects {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listJ2CAdminObjects ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listJ2CAdminObjects (['-interactive'])
Use the listJ2CConnectionFactories command to list the Java 2 connector connection factories under the resource adapter and connection factory interface specified.
Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- -connectionFactoryInterface
- Indicates the name of the connection factory to list. This parameter is required.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listJ2CConnectionFactories $ra {-connectionFactoryInterface javax.sql.DataSource}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listJ2CConnectionFactories(ra, '[-connectionFactoryInterface javax.sql.DataSource]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listJ2CConnectionFactories(ra, ['-connectionFactoryInterface', 'javax.sql.DataSource'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listJ2CConnectionFactories {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listJ2CConnectionFactories ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listJ2CConnectionFactories (['-interactive'])
Use the listMessageListenerTypes command to list the message listener types that are defined under the resource adapter specified.
Target object J2C Resource Adapter object ID
Parameters and return values
- Parameters: None
- Returns: A list of message listener types.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listMessageListenerTypes $ra
- Use Jython string:
- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listMessageListenerTypes {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listMessageListenerTypes ('[-interactive]')
- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listMessageListenerTypes (['-interactive'])
Related tasks
Use the AdminTask object for scripted administration
Related Reference
Commands for the AdminTask object
Reference topic