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Invoking one-way JAX-RPC Web service requests transactionally using the JMS transport


Use the enableTransactionalOneWay property to ensure that one-way JAX-RPC Web service requests using the JMS transport will be sent to the destination queue or topic transactionally.



The enableTransactionalOneWay property is applicable for WAS V6.0.2 Service Release 9 and later.

When using JMS to transport Web service requests, the default behavior is for the SOAP message to be added to the destination queue or topic non-transactionally or outside of the client application's transaction. Adding the SOAP message to the destination queue or topic is done outside of the transaction to avoid synchronization problems that can occur with two-way Web service requests. However, you can choose to allow one-way requests to be processed as part of the transaction. The enableTransactionalOneWay property can be used to ensure that one-way Web service requests that use the JMS transport will be sent to the destination queue or topic transactionally. When the client application invokes the one-way Web service request, the resulting SOAP request message is added to the destination queue or topic as part of the client application's transaction.

Use one of the following ways to enable the enableTransactionalOneWay property.





You have a Web service client application that is configured to invoke one-way requests transactionally while using the JMS transport.


What to do next

After you have enabled the enableTransactionalOneWay property, run the client application.

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Related information

Use the JMS API to transport JAX-RPC Web services requests
Web services SOAP/JMS protocol