Introduction: Portlet applications



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Portlet applications are special reusable Java servlets that appear as defined regions on portal pages. Portlets provide access to many different applications, services, and Web content.


Portlets are reusable Web modules that run on a portal server and provide access to Web-based content, applications, and other resources. You can assemble portlets into a larger portal page, with multiple instances of the same portlet displaying different data for each user.

Portlet container

The portlet container is the runtime environment for portlets using the portlet API in which portlets are instantiated, used, and finally destroyed.

Portlet aggregation using JavaServer Pages

The aggregation tag library is used to write JavaServer Pages to address one or more portlets to generate a portlet aggregation framework.

Portlet URL addressability

You can request a portlet directly through a URL to display its content without a portal aggregation. The PortletServingServlet servlet registers each Web application that contains portlets. It is similar to the FileServingServlet servlet of the Web container that serves resources.

The PortletServingServlet servlet allows you to directly render a portlet into a full browser page by a URL request.


Related information

Learn about portlet applications