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Initializing the UDDI registry node


Use this topic to initialize a UDDI registry node after set up or migration. You must have already set up a UDDI registry node, either as a new node or to use for migrating a UDDI registry V2 node.



The UDDI registry node has various properties, some of which must be set before initializing the node. There are two categories of UDDI registry node properties:

Configure these properties and initialize the node using the UDDI administrative console or JMX management interface.



  1. Click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id to display the properties page for the UDDI registry node.

  2. Set the mandatory node properties to suitable, and valid, values. These properties are indicated by the presence of a '*' next to the input field. The properties are listed below; more information on each property is given in the context help of the console.

    UDDI node ID

    This must be a text string beginning with 'uddi:' that is unique to this UDDI node. The default value may be sufficient, but if you accept it you should ensure that it is unique.

    UDDI node description

    This is a text string describing the node.

    Root key generator

    This must be a text string beginning with 'uddi:' that is unique to this UDDI node. The default value may be sufficient but may contain text, such as 'keyspace_id', that you should modify to match your system. If you accept the default value, ensure that it is unique for this UDDI node.

    Prefix for generated discoveryURLs

    This should be a valid URL.

  3. If you are migrating from V2 of the UDDI registry, use the table below to perform the following steps:

    • Set any properties from uddi.properties that must remain the same as V2.

    • Set any properties from uddi.properties that you would like to keep the same (such as dbMaxResultCount).

    V2 UDDI property (set in uddi.property file) V3 UDDI Property (set via Administrative Console or UDDI Administrative Interface) Recommended V3 UDDI property setting
    dbMaxResultCount maximum inquiry response set size You might want to retain the value from V2, but can safely change this (or use the default)
    persister no equivalent Not applicable
    defaultLanguage default language code You are recommended to retain the value from Version 2
    operatorName UDDI node ID You must use a valid value for the UDDI node ID. This will be applied to your V2 data as it is migrated.
    maxSearchKeys maximum search keys You might want to retain the value from V2, but can safely change this (or use the default)
    getServletURLprefix Prefix for generated discoveryURLs You should enter a valid value for the configuration, which should therefore be the same as the value used for V2.
    getServletName no equivalent Not applicable

  4. Set any other properties, such as policy values, that you wish to change from the default settings (or these can be changed at a later time). For an explanation of policies and properties see UDDI node settings.

  5. Click Apply to save your changes.

    You cannot change mandatory node properties after initialization. If you do not save your changes before proceeding to the initialize step, you will have to delete and recreate the database.

  6. After saving your changes, initialize the UDDI node by clicking Initialize, at the top of the pane. If you are migrating from V2 of the UDDI registry, the V2 data is migrated now. The initialization may take some time to complete; to track its progress, return to the node collection page and click the refresh icon at the top of the Status column. Alternatively, open a second console window, and use the refresh icon in the same manner. The UDDI node passes through the following states

    1. Initialization pending.

    2. Initialization in progress.

    3. Migration in progress. (This state will only occur if you are migrating.)

    4. Value set creation in progress.

    5. Activated.


What to do next

If you have migrated the node from a previous version, return to Migrating to V3 of the UDDI registry to verify that the migration was successful. If you have created a new node, follow the instructions in Use the UDDI registry Installation Verification Program (IVP) to verify that you have successfully set up the UDDI node.


Related tasks

Migrating to V3 of the UDDI registry
Use the UDDI registry Installation Verification Program (IVP)
Setting up a customized UDDI node