Example: Using predefined port numbers
The manageprofiles command recommends initial port values when you do not explicitly set port values. You can use predefined port values instead.
The manageprofiles command recommends port values when the options of -defaultPorts, -startingPort, or -portFile are not specified. The default port values are located...
app_server_root/profileTemplates/template_type/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.propsTo customize the port values in the portdef.props file before creating your profile, perform the following steps. The following example creates the default profile. For other types of profiles, substitute all instances of the word default in the example with the type of profile to create.
- Copy...
APP_SERVER_ROOT/profileTemplates/default/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props...from the default profile template path and place a copy of the file in an arbitrary temporary directory such as c:\temp\ports.
- In the new file, modify the port settings to specify your port values.
- Create your profile using the modified port values. Use the manageprofiles command and specify the -portsFile parameter to the location of your modified portdef.props file as shown in the following example:
manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName Wow_Profile -profilePath profile_root -templatePath app_server_root\profileTemplates\default -nodeName Wow_node -cellName Wow_cell -hostName lorriemb -portsFile C:\temp\ports\portdef.props![]()
manageprofiles.sh -create -profileName Wow_Profile -profilePath profile_root -templatePath app_server_root\profileTemplates\default -nodeName Wow_node -cellName Wow_cell -hostName lorriemb -portsFile \temp\ports\portdef.propsSuppose that the portdef.props file has the following values:
WC_defaulthost=39080 WC_adminhost=39060 WC_defaulthost_secure=39443 WC_adminhost_secure=39043 BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS=32809 SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS=38880 SAS_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS=39401 CSIV2_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS=39403 CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS=39402 ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS=39100 DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS=39353 SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS=37276 SIB_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS=37286 SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS=35558 SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS=35578 SIP_DEFAULTHOST=35060 SIP_DEFAULTHOST_SECURE=35061After running the manageprofiles command to create your profile with the user defined port values, a success or fail result displays.
The manageprofiles command creates a copy of the current portdefs.props file in the profile_root\properties directory.
Use only one of the three port values parameters, -startingPort, -defaultPorts, or -portsFile with the manageprofiles command. The three parameters are mutually exclusive.
Related tasks
Update ports in an existing profile
Related information
manageprofiles command