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EARExpander command


Use the EARExpander command to expand an enterprise archive file (EAR) into a directory to run the application in that EAR file.

You can collapse a directory containing application files into a single EAR file. You can type EARExpander with no arguments to learn more about its options. For more information about where to run this command, see the Use command tools article.



The command syntax is as follows:

EarExpander -ear earName -operationDir dirName -operation 
<expand | collapse> [-expansionFlags <all|war>]



The following options are available for the EARExpander command:


Specifies the name of the input EAR file for the expand operation or the name of the output EAR file for the collapse operation.


Specifies the directory where the EAR file is expanded or specifies the directory from where files are collapsed.

-operation <expand | collapse>

The expand value expands an EAR file into a directory structure required by the WAS run time. The collapse value creates an EAR file from an expanded directory structure.

-expansionFlags <all | war>

(Optional) The all value expands all files from all of the modules. The war value only expands the files from Web archive file (WAR) modules.


Defines the profile of the Application Server process in a multi-profile installation. The -profileName option is not required for running in a single profile environment. The default for this option is the default profile.


Usage scenario

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax:

EARExpander -ear C:\WebSphere\AppServer\installableApps\DefaultApplication.ear 
-operationDir  C:\MyApps -operation expand -expansionFlags war

EARExpander -ear C:\backup\DefaultApplication.ear 
-operationDir C:\MyAppsDefaultApplication.ear -operation collapse


Related tasks

Use command line tools


Reference topic