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Data access bean types


For easy data access programming, WAS provides a special class library that implements many methods of the JDBC API for you. The library is essentially a set of data access beans.

There are several sets of classes referred to as data access beans. To make things clearer, you can refer to the classes by the name of the JAR file that contains them:

databeans.jar - This JAR file ships with WAS. This file contains classes that enable you to access the database using the JDBC API.

ivjdab.jar - This JAR file ships with Visual Age for Java. This file contains all of the classes in the databeans.jar file and classes that support easy use of the data access beans from the Visual Age for Java Visual Composition Editor.

dbbeans.jar - This JAR file ships with Rational Application Developer. This file contains a set of data access beans to more closely conform to the JDBC 2.0 RowSet standard.

For the current product, data access beans remain unchanged from WebSphere Application Server V4.0. The com.ibm.db package is provided to support existing applications that use data access beans.

IBM strongly suggests that any new applications using data access beans be developed using the com.ibm.db.beans package that is provided with Rational Application Developer.

To continue using applications that use the com.ibm.db package, see the WAS V4.0 documentation concerning data access beans.

To create new applications that use the com.ibm.db.beans package, see the Rational Application Developer documentation concerning data access beans. An example is shown here: Example:

Use data access beans


Example: Using data access beans


Related concepts

Data access beans


Related Reference

Data access: Resources for learning


Reference topic