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Configure a shared library for an application using scripting


This task uses the AdminConfig object to configure a shared library for an application. Before starting this task, the wsadmin tool must be running. See the Start the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.



You can use the AdminApp object to set certain configurations in the application.



  1. Identify the shared library and assign it to the library variable. You can either use an existing shared library or create a new one...

    • To create a new shared library, perform the following steps:

      1. Idenitfy the node and assign it to a variable...

        • Use Jacl:

          set n1 [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/]

        • Use Jython:

          n1 = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/') print n1


        set Jacl command
        n1 variable name
        $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
        AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
        getid AdminConfig command
        Cell object type
        mycell name of the object that will be modified
        Node object type
        mynode name of the object that will be modified

        Example output:


      2. Create the shared library in the node. The following example creates a new shared library in the node scope. You can modify it to use the cell or server scope.

          Use Jacl:

          set library [$AdminConfig create Library $n1 {{name mySharedLibrary} 
          {classPath c:/mySharedLibraryClasspath}}]

          Use Jython:

          library = AdminConfig.create('Library', n1, [['name', 'mySharedLibrary'], 
          ['classPath', 'c:/mySharedLibraryClasspath']]) print library


        set Jacl command
        library variable name
        $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
        AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
        create AdminConfig command
        Library AdminConfig object
        n1 evaluates to the ID of host node specified in step number 1
        name attribute
        mySharedLibrary value of the name attribute
        classPath attribute
        /mySharedLibraryClasspath value of the classPath attribute

        Example output:


    • To use an existing shared library,...

      • Use Jacl:

        set library [$AdminConfig getid /Library:mySharedLibrary/]

      • Use Jython:

        library = AdminConfig.getid('/Library:mySharedLibrary/') print library


      set Jacl command
      library variable name
      $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
      getid AdminConfig command
      Library attribute
      mySharedLibrary value of the Library attribute

      Example output:


  2. Identify the deployment configuration object for the application and assign it to the deployment variable. For example:

    • Use Jacl:

      set deployment [$AdminConfig getid /Deployment:myApp/]

    • Use Jython:

      deployment = AdminConfig.getid('/Deployment:myApp/') print deployment


    set Jacl command
    deployment variable name
    $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
    getid AdminConfig command
    Deployment attribute
    myApp value of the Deployment attribute
    print Jython command

    Example output:


  3. Retrieve the application deployment and assign it to the appDeploy variable. For example:

    • Use Jacl:

      set appDeploy [$AdminConfig showAttribute $deployment deployedObject]

    • Use Jython:

      appDeploy = AdminConfig.showAttribute(deployment, 'deployedObject') print appDeploy


    set Jacl command
    appDeploy variable name
    $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
    showAttribute AdminConfig command
    deployment evaluates the ID of the deployment configuration object specified in step number 2
    deployedObject attribute of modify objects
    print Jython command

    Example output:

    (cells/mycell/applications/myApp.ear/deployments/ myApp|deployment.xml#ApplicationDeployment_1)

  4. Identify the class loader in the application deployment and assign it to the classLoader variable. For example:

    • Use Jacl:

      set classLoad1 [$AdminConfig showAttribute $appDeploy classloader]

    • Use Jython:

      classLoad1 = AdminConfig.showAttribute(appDeploy, 'classloader') print classLoad1


    set Jacl command
    classLoad1 variable name
    $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
    showAttribute AdminConfig command
    appDeploy evaluates the ID of the application deployment specified in step number 3
    classLoader attribute of modify objects
    print Jython command

    Example output:


  5. Associate the shared library in the application through the class loader. For example:

    • Use Jacl:

      $AdminConfig create LibraryRef $classLoad1 {{libraryName 
      MyshareLibrary} {sharedClassloader true}}

    • Use Jython:

      print AdminConfig.create('LibraryRef', classLoad1, [['libraryName', 
      'MyshareLibrary'],  ['sharedClassloader', 'true']])


    $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
    create AdminConfig command
    LibraryRef AdminConfig object
    classLoad1 evaluates to the ID of class loader specified in step number 4
    libraryName attribute
    MyshareLibrary value of the libraryName attribute
    sharedClassloader attribute
    true value of the sharedClassloader attribute

    Example output:


  6. Save the configuration changes. See the Saving configuration changes with the wsadmin tool article for more information.

  7. In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node. See the Synchronizing nodes with the wsadmin tool article for more information.

Use the AdminConfig object for scripted administration
Configure a shared library using scripting


Related Reference

Commands for the AdminConfig object