Completing the JavaBeans implementation
Once you have developed the Java artifacts necessary to develop a Web service, complete the JavaBeans implementation to assemble a Java archive (JAR) file that contains a JavaBeans implementation and the supported classes created from the WSDL file.
Develop Web services deployment descriptor templates for a JavaBeans implementation. We need to complete this step to create the deployment descriptor templates that are configured to map the service implementation to the JavaBeans implementation. This task is a required step in developing a Web service from a Java bean.
When you complete the JavaBeans implementation, you are assembling a Java archive (JAR) file that contains a JavaBeans implementation and supported classes created from the WSDL file.
- Edit the JavaBeans implementation template, Where binding is the name of the <wsdl:binding> element in the WSDL file.
- Complete the implementation of the methods in the template.
- (Optional) Make changes if necessary.
- (Optional) Change the class name if the binding name is not acceptable.
- Compile all the Java classes.
- Assemble a WAR file. Assemble all the Java classes into a WAR file using Web module assembly tools. Include all of the classes generated from running the WSDL2Java command tool when developing implementation templates and bindings from a WSDL file.
You have a Java archive (JAR) file containing the JavaBeans implementation and supported classes created from the WSDL file. .
What to do next
We need to configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor and configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor so that WAS can process the incoming Web services requests.
Assembling applications
Developing Java artifacts for JAX-RPC applications from a WSDL file
Configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor