Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
This log file describes the transaction class module instance cache.
This file is in the log_root/visualization directory.
Usage notes
- tcmodname: Transaction class module instance name.
- gwid: Gateway ID.
- j2eemodname: J2EE module name.
- dtname: Deployment target name.
- scname: Service policy name.
- appname: Application name.
- tcname: Transaction class name.
- server: Server name.
- node: Node name.
- nodegroup: Node group name cell: cell name.
- proxy: Proxy or on demand router name.
- proxycell: The ARFM gateway that submitted these statistics resides in this cell.
- proxynode: The ARFM gateway that submitted these statistics resides in this node.
- proxyserver: The ARFM gateway that submitted these statistics resides in this server.
- protocol: The protocol family of the requests that these statistics are for; that is, HTTP, IIOP, JMS, SIP.
- arrivals: No meaningful value.
- respOutTime: The sum, over the requests that completed during the reported interval due to service timeout, of the request's response time
- serviceOutTime: The sum, over the requests that completed during the reported interval due to service timeout, of the request's service time.
- numTimedOut: The number of requests that completed, during the reported interval, due to service timeout.
- numErrored: The number of requests that completed, during the reported interval, with an error indicator.
- firstErrorTime: The time of the first error response, if any, otherwise 0.
- lastErrorTime: The time of the last error response, if any, otherwise 0.
- lastTimeoutTime: The time of the last timeout response, if any, otherwise 0.
- currentLen: No meaningful value.
- lengthInt: No meaningful value.
- executingInt: Integral over each millisecond in the reported interval, of the number of requests that were executing at the start of the interval.
- execution: Concurrency integral, in units of milliseconds * requests.
- departs: Number of requests dispatched to server.
- dropped: No meaningful value.
- waittm: Total wait time in queue of all requests in interval.
- resptm: Total response time for all requests in interval.
- servicetm: Total service time for all requests in interval serviced: number of requests serviced.
- begintm: Start time of interval.
- endtm: End time of interval.
- qlen: Total queue length over in the interval.
- abvgoal: Number of requests that both returned during the reported interval had a response time above their service class threshold.
- workFactors: Work coefficient.
Related reference