Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
This log file contains information about the transaction class module cache.
This file is in the log_root/visualization directory.
Log information
- timeStamp: Time in milliseconds.
- tcmodname: Specifies the transaction class module name.
- dtname: Deployment target name.
- gwid: Specifies the Gateway ID.
- j2eemodname: Specifies the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) module name.
- appname: Specifies the application name.
- tcname: Specifies the transaction class name.
- scname: Specifies the service policy name.
- nodegroup: Node group name.
- cell: Specifies the cell name.
- proxy: Specifies the proxy or on demand router name.
- proxycell: Specifies the cell where the autonomic request flow manager (ARFM) gateway that submitted these statistics resides.
- proxynode: Node on which the ARFM gateway that submitted these statistics resides.
- proxyserver: Specifies the server on which the ARFM gateway that submitted these statistics resides.
- protocol: Specifies the protocol family of the requests for these statistics: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP), JMS, or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
- arrivals: Number of requests that arrived during the reported interval.
- executingInt: Specifies the execution concurrency integral. This field is the sum, over each millisecond in the reported interval, of the number of requests that were running at the start of the millisecond.
- lengthInt: Specifies the queue length interval. This interval value is the sum, over each millisecond in the reported interval, of the number of requests in the queue at the start of the millisecond.
- currentLen: Number of requests in the queue at the end of the reported interval.
- departs: Number of messages that were dispatched to server during the reported interval and initiated a logical dialog. This field counts only the first reception of a certain message.
- dropped: Number of requests that were dropped because of a queue overflow.
- waittm: Specifies the sum, over all of the requests that were dispatched during the reported interval, of the time that each request spent waiting in the queue. The sum is specified in number of milliseconds. Divide the waittm value by the departs value to get the average amount of time that a request spent waiting in the queue.
- resptm: Specifies the sum of all of the response times of the requests that completed running during the reported interval. The sum is in units of milliseconds. Divide the resptm value by the serviced value to get the average response time for the requests. The response time of a request is the sum of the queuing time of the request plus the service time of the request. To calculate the sum, add the waittm value, which excludes time before enqueuing, and servicetm value.
- servicetm: Specifies the sum of all the service times of the requests that completed running during the reported interval. The sum is in units of milliseconds. Divide the servicetm value by the serviced value to get the average service time for a request during the reported interval.
- serviced: Number of requests that completed during the reported interval.
- begintm: Specifies the start time for the statistics interval.
- endtm: Specifies the end time for the statistics interval.
- qlen: Specifies the sum, over the requests that arrived during the reported interval, of the queue length, before insertion, as seen at each request arrival.
- abvgoal: Number of requests that both returned during the reported interval had a response time above their service class threshold.
- workFactors: Specifies the average amount of work that is performed on a deployment target to serve an HTTP request, a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) message, an Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) call, or a JMS message. The work factor is represented in standard processor megacycles. You can override the work factor values by specifying the workFactorOverrideSpec custom property on the deployment target. For more information about the workFactorOverrideSpec custom property, see Autonomic request flow manager advanced custom properties.
Related tasks
Configure the autonomic request flow manager
Related reference
Autonomic request flow manager custom properties Logs