Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
This log file describes the server statistics cache.
This file is in the log_root/visualization directory.
Usage notes
- name: Specifies the server name.
- node: Node name.
- version: Specifies the version of WebSphere® Virtual Enterprise that is running on the node.
- weight: Dynamic workload management (dWLM) weight of the server.
- cpu: Specifies the percentage of the processor that is being used.
- usedMemory: Number of kilobytes of memory that is used in the Java virtual machine (JVM) run time.
- uptime: Number of milliseconds that JVM has been running.
- totalRequests: Number of total requests for server.
- updateTime: Specifies the time that the statistics were provided.
- db_averageResponseTime: Specifies the average response time for the database server.
- db_throughput: Specifies the throughput for the database server.
- highMemMark: High memory mark.
- residentMemory: The amount of physical memory not shared with other processes that the JVM is using.
- totalMemory: Specifies the total amount of memory that the JVM is using.
- totalMethodCalls: Specifies the total number of bean module method calls.
Related reference