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Uninstall WebSphere XD

You can uninstall WebSphere XD, or any maintenance that is already applied to the installation. Complete the uninstallation process either silently or by following the graphical user interface (GUI).


Before you begin

Before you can uninstall WebSphere XD, the install_root/uninstall_xd_operations subdirectory must exist. If the installation fails before the uninstallation files are copied to the machine, you cannot complete this task. Additionally, uninstall any existing maintenance before attempting to uninstall WebSphere XD. The wizard will not proceed with the uninstallation if existing maintenance is detected.


About this task

This procedure uninstalls WebSphere Extended Deployment Operations Optimization V6.1 only.



  1. Stop all processes before starting the uninstallation process. Type the following commands:

    • ./stopManager.sh

    • stopManager.bat

    • ./stopNode.sh

    • stopNode.bat
    Make sure that all the processes are stopped by verifying the running Java processes:

    • Use the task manager to stop the Java processes.

    • Complete a search to validate that the Java processes are stopped.

  2. From the install_root/uninstall_xd_operations directory, complete the following actions:

    • Double-click the uninstall.exe file.

    • Issue the uninstall file from a command prompt.

    • Follow the prompts in the graphical user interface (GUI), and click Finish to complete the uninstallation process.
    Alternatively, issue the following command to silently uninstall WebSphere XD:

    • uninstall.bat -silent

    • ./uninstall.sh -silent

  3. Uninstall the deployment manager. From the install_root/uninstall_xd_operations directory, complete the following actions:

    • Double-click the uninstall.exe file.

    • Issue the uninstall file from a command prompt.

    Review the log files, which are located in the install_root/logs/xd_package/uninstall/log directory, for any errors.

  4. Uninstall the centralized installation manager repository. Run the uninstaller in silent mode, and specify the following option:
    uninstall.bat -OPT uninstallCimgr=true -silent
    ./uninstall -OPT uninstallCimgr=true -silent

    Restriction:The option is only supported with the uninstallation of WebSphere Extended Deployment Operations Optimization V6.1.



You successfully uninstalled WebSphere XD.


Related tasks

Installing WebSphere XD Installing and configuring the product